Essex Engineering was established in 1935 and moved to its present premises in 1940. During the 2nd World War, it made metal stampings for the MOD. After the war, in 1948 it started to produce the range of copper clips and saddles for Pyrotenax cable (mineral insulated cable) together with the terminating tools necessary for installation. Simultaneously the company produced the Essex Miniature Sewing Machine which sold for £3.17.6.(£3.85 in todays money) and between 1948 and 1956 sold 250,000 of them. Even Harrods sold them!
Back in 1935 Essex made a coin slide mechanism to operate pin tables and in 1960 this mechanism was adapted for the emerging coin operated launderette business, where eventually by 1970 over 7000 coin operated launderettes were in operation throughout the UK. The company made and sold 60,000 slides to convert the business to the decimal currency and since then with inflation, and the explosion of the small pool table in pubs and clubs, has to date made 1.3 million coin slides.
Copper has a higher melting point than steel and is the only material used to hold fire alarm cables in place. These cables nowadays can be soft core but for fire alarms Mineral insulated cable is the best available.
We produced over 20 million copper clips, saddles and spacer bars along with tens of thousands of different terminating tools.
Delivery is FREE during October .
Great reputation, great service, great quality, with real people to help when you need us.